Hi, there! I’m Rubina Xenia Gaspar.

It’s a mouthful, but I swear my parents love me. I grew up with a physician for a father and an herbalist for a mother. This meant I had plenty of opportunities to learn about both conventional and traditional medicine.

You might think these differing approaches led to household clashes over the best method. But, in my parents’ case, they used their varying perspectives to enhance each other’s disciplines.

And this taught me how to use the information from the vast database of modern science to verify natural remedies.

Before we go total hippie, I have to announce my enormous respect for conventional medicine. Only a raving lunatic would deny its importance in certain situations. If I’m ever seriously injured, please don’t roll up on me with a sage bundle. Call an ambulance, and hit me with morphine.

That said, excluding emergencies where modern medicine is the only logical choice, I always go the alternative route.

My heart lies with everything natural. I believe a holistic approach can remedy almost anything if patience and consistency are applied.

Over the past twenty years, I’ve tried tons of natural techniques to stay youthful. And I’ve managed to make it into my 40s without resorting to harmful chemicals or dangerous procedures.

Am I flawless? Hell no.

This isn’t about attaining perfection. This isn’t about striving for ridiculous beauty standards that can never be met.

That’s a very dark road to travel.

This is about safe, effective, and affordable alternatives. This is about treating the body with respect and appreciation. This is about staying happy, healthy, and pretty while maintaining overall well-being.